Some of the “more to come,”as promised.

Following on from what I  wrote about in my last blog, and as promised, here is a follow up instalment with some further thoughts about feet , including how the shape of our stance is a constantly changing.  By this I mean that we rarely stay in the one season for any length of time. Just like the stronger tides washing over a beach every winter often changes the shape of a beach for the season to come, so the seasons of our lives can and often do bring changing shapes and rhythms to our days, with a need to adjust all the time.

Some changes we may not really notice. Friends drift out of our lives with no big decision for that to happen- it just does, – and mostly while both parties may sometimes long for the “good old days” in reality we accept the moving on, thankful that no intentional  hurt has been done.

We leave a job , certain that we will be sorely missed but when we visit the office a year later, we realise that, even without our input, deadlines are still being met, and life , as it ought to do, has carried on.

And then there are the bigger shape changing shifts. A parent dies, and suddenly what once was a safe place for us to run to just as we are, a place where if we are blessed, we know a measure of unconditional love we are unlikely to find anywhere else, is now gone forever. Or a child dies before a parent, and now every anniversary, every millstone is marked not by what is, but by what should have  been. A treasured friend of mine explained her loss to me like this…”Its like I`ve had an amputation and I’ve had to learn to walk all over again but this time with a different shape.” I can not tell you how often this sentence has helped to anchor me through times of too much. As I have watched my friend adjusting to her unwanted new shape, I decided I  too will adjust and I will get better- in time -for it is  sure and certain, that any real healing  takes time. In fact , as I know to my detriment,  if we do not take the time to heal in this present season, we will  almost definitely need to revisit our wounded heart at a later stage, and it will be no less painful down the road than if allow ourselves the space and time in this now, and which we would insist anyone else in a similar situation should take. If you read no further do please read these words…

In a world which can be harsh and sharped  edged , I think we would all be wise to be much kinder with our own souls ,as well as with those of others. Show our own souls the respect they deserve mindful that Jesus Himself told us that how we best love our neighbours is by starting off  by firstly allowing Him to love us completely and wholly.  (Mark 12:31)

Am I there? Some days, if  I don`t over think His love and grace, I am. Other days I have to work at being enough and acceptable just as I am ,and I suspect that for me, will be an on-going part of my shape changing , stance adjusting, journey right until the end.

And while this might seem like a  good place to move on to the foot-washing part of my blog I`m going instead to take another  pause , for I have a story to tell which will take too long, so once again you`ll have to wait and see! However I`d like to add just one last though about the shoes which the father put on his returning home son as referenced in my last blog post.

In Ephesians 6 : 10 – 11 Paul gives us advice  about different parts of  armour we ought to have on at all times ,which includes having shoes of the gospel of peace on our feet. Now when I put my armour shoes on, I`m tending to  walk a little taller as I think, these shoes are not only a declaration to all ,  including those in the spiritual realm who we are in constant battle with, that I will do my best, by His  grace, to maintain His peace with those around me, – now I`m thinking that I  can do just that,  because these shoes declare I “belong”  as a child , as a member in the King of all kings family , and somehow walking in peace then becomes a lot  more doable  – great eh!

And so a prayer to end…

hands in prayer

Father in a world which is constantly changing, how thankful we are that you are our constant, unchanging I AM. Thank you that you are so often much kinder with our souls that we ourselves are. Will you teach us, help us Lord. to be willing to allow you to love us just as we are, even while you bring to completion all which you have begun in us?And Lord, when the changes life brings to us are not those we would ever choose, give us your courage,to trust you even so.  Amen

Yours in Him,

Alison King Signature NEW

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